Tobacco Control & Environmental Health

Working with the World Health Organization’s Tobacco Free Initiative, I was able to see firsthand the weaknesses of legal obligations of human rights in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Applying the human right to health as a means to reframe global health policy, I examined tobacco cessation and harm reduction policy, working with the Human Rights & Tobacco Control Network to support individual health autonomy for those addicted to nicotine. This work in tobacco control provided a foundation to address the health harms of household air pollution, supporting environmental health by examining how human rights can support clean cookstove policy.
PublicationsPresentationsPublic Engagement
The Lancet
May 2024
Collective Action and Legal Mobilisation for the Right to Health in the Climate Crisis
Consortium of Universities for Global Health
Mar 2024
Climate Change as a Threat to Global Health & Human Rights
Action on Smoking & Health (ASH) Webinar Series
Mar 2023
Tobacco Undermines the Right to Health: State Cessation Obligations & International Accountability Mechanisms
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Oct 2022
Climate Change, Public Health and Human Rights
Sep 2022
The Human Right to a Healthy Environment—Time for the Public Health Community to Take Urgent Action
Jul 2022
Could International Human Rights Obligations Motivate Countries to Implement Tobacco Cessation Support?
Health and Human Rights in the Climate Crisis
Oct 2021
Climate Change, Public Health & Human Rights
Public Health Law: Concepts and Case Studies
Jul 2021
Global Health Law
College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Sep 2018
Human Rights in Tobacco Control
Journal of Human Rights and the Environment
Mar 2018
A ‘Burning Opportunity’ for Human Rights: Using Human Rights as a Catalyst for Policies to Mitigate the Health Risk of Household Air Pollution
American Public Health Association, Atlanta, Georgia
Nov 2017
Applying Human Rights as a Catalyst for Policies to Mitigate the Public Health Risk of Household Air Pollution
Advancing Climate Justice: Transforming the Economy, Public Health and our Environment
Sep 2009
Climate Justice Through Collective Rights: Employing Human Rights for Environmental Health
Tobacco Control and Human Rights Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland
Aug 2008
A Human Rights-Based Approach to Tobacco Control: Delineating the Rights-Holder and Duty-Bearer
Tobacco and Human Rights Roundtable, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Apr 2007
Human Rights in Global Tobacco Control: A Rights-Based Approach to the FCTC and Its Protocols
American Public Health Association 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts
Nov 2006
Applying the Human Right to Health to Tobacco Control: Tobacco Cessation, Harm Reduction, and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Public Health Reports
Oct 2006
The Fourth Pillar of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Harm Reduction and the International Human Right to Health
Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics
Sep 2005
Breathing Life into the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Smoking Cessation and the Right to Health